The Chalk Pit by Elly Griffiths


Hello Momu readers!  Here’s another book for you to read about that we read recently.


What was the book called?

The Chalk Pit by Elly Griffiths.

Who read it?


What was the book about?

Dr Ruth Galloway and DCI Nelson solving crimes together.  This usually involves bones and digging around in the dirt because Ruth is an archaeologist.

Did you enjoy it?


What was your favourite part?

All the stuff about Ruth and Nelson – we like them in these books. Also the cat called Flint is cool.

What was not so good?

More humans being mean and killing people.

Would you read it again?

We have read this one three times now- we’re excited about the newest book in the series coming out soon. We will most probably reread this one again at some point later on.

Paws out of 5?

4 paws out of 5.


17th January 2019 – 22nd January 2019.

More soon,

Love Momu x